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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Science and My Daily Life
Science and My Daily life Brenda Durbin Kaplan University Science and I Science has and consistently will assume a steady significant job in my every day life, perhaps more so than others. Science for me has not generally been my solid subject in school and I effectively will in general get scared. Be that as it may, when I take a gander at my day by day life and acknowledge how much science assumes a job in it, I really want to grin. Science isn't at all terrible, it has permitted me to do numerous things consistently, regardless of whether I don't set aside the effort to stop and consider it, it is there.From the manner in which the microwave warms up the water for my espresso each morning or the manner in which my body processes the food I eat each supper and makes it into vitality or even an outing to the doctor’s office with my child, science is a steady partner and without it, my life would have turned out totally different in reality. In the event that I showed up after the expected time one night and in the wake of opening the front entryway, I attempted to turn on a light and it didn't react I would start a procedure of disposal, or as it were, utilizing the logical technique to discover the problem.First I would check the light, to check whether it had blown, when supplanting the bulb on the off chance that I despite everything didn't have light I would, at that point go to my back yard and to the breaker box. I would then check the wires to check whether perhaps a breaker was stumbled or I had a blown wire. On the off chance that much in the wake of doing this I despite everything have no force I would, at that point call my electric organization, inquiring as to whether somebody had hit a force shaft, or on the off chance that they were leading an arbitrary test(s) or in any event, making repair(s) to the line. When discovering some data from the organization I would then realize whether to light a few candles and to be quiet or on the off ch ance that I would need to call an electrician.For situation number two I will utilize the circumstance of my vehicle not beginning. First I would check the degree of gas in my vehicle, in the event that that was seen as not the difficult I would, at that point check the battery and the terminals ensuring they are for the most part spotless and associated. I would then check the flash attachments to check whether they were failing, grimy or consumed. In the event that in the wake of checking these things I despite everything would discover no arrangement, I would put forth a valiant effort to get a kick off from a passing driver. On the off chance that the bounces start didn't elp to begin my vehicle I would then need to call a tow truck to carry my vehicle to a carport where a specialist would have the option to investigate the issue better with his/her hardware and devices. While hanging tight for the appropriate response and the issue to be fixed from the specialist I would need t o plan to either take a taxi or discover a ride with my friend(s) and additionally colleagues to work, arrangements and wherever I have to go for my normal tasks. Consistently I get up at 5:30am. Without science (to tell the hour of day) and the innovation that goes into my morning timer chances are 5:30am would not be the time I would get up.I then go upstairs and wake up my children Warren and Ryely to prepare for school. At the point when Warren descends steps I assist him with preparing his morning treatment machines. Warren was brought into the world with Cystic Fibrosis and depends on science and the proceeding with logical advances of medicines, prescriptions and treatments to keep living. Warren’s first treatment is known as a nebulizer, this keeps going around 15 minutes. The nebulizer extricates the thick bodily fluid on the dividers of Warren’s lungs. At that point his next treatment is finished with what is called â€Å"the vest aviation route leeway syste m†(Hill-Rom Services, 2011).This vest tenderly packs and discharges the chest divider up to 25 times each second (Hill-Rom Services, 2011). As it were it fundamentally pounds the released bodily fluid (from his first treatment, â€Å"the neb†as we call it) off and out of Warren’s lungs with the goal that he may hack it up. This vest treatment keep going for thirty minutes. After his medicines are done, I at that point assist Warren with separating the machines, clean them and set them aside until they are required again at night. Warren does both of these medicines two times every day. Without science I would not have had Warren in my life for so long.He is nineteen and every day he does these medicines is one more day I get the chance to have my child in my life. Next, I get ready breakfast for both Warren and Ryely. We have a gas oven in our kitchen so the utilization of science assumes a major job in the preparing of the nourishment for every one of our supp ers. After supper I at that point spread out all of Warren’s numerous drugs they he needs to take. Without a doubt the most significant of all the drug is what is called Creon. Creon â€Å"contains pancrelipase †a mix of three compounds: lipase, protease, and amylase†(Drugs. com, 2011).These chemicals are delivered in the pancreas of individuals without CF. In individuals who do have CF in any case, the thick clingy bodily fluid plugs the conduits in the pancreas so the chemicals can't arrive at the food to help separate and overview what food is eaten. So every time Warren eats he needs to take these, five containers for tidbits and seven with suppers. Without science, everything Warren eats would go directly through his framework and no nourishment would be consumed by his body. After breakfast it is typically an ideal opportunity for the young men to leave with the goal that they can go to their transport stops.When they leave I will as a rule either begin pre paring for any arrangements that are planned or begin cleaning the house. I should likewise concede there are a few days that I do in certainty hit the sack to get an hour or two of more rest. Science assumes an enormous job in the cleaning of my home too. From the high temp water I use to wipe the floors to the cleaners I use to purify and make my home smell clean science is there. Science has improved an incredible nature so without a doubt. In clarifying how I will get extremely passionate and I trust you understand.Without science Warren would not have lived, along these lines I would not have become a mother. Without the logical comprehension of hereditary qualities and hereditary maladies in addition to the fact that I would have lost Warren however I could have all around wound up in prison for kid misuse. Before a specialist thought of giving Warren a perspiration test (a test which quantifies the measure of salt in sweat) I was being examined by the territory of Maine for d oubt of youngster misuse. Warren was just 3 months old at that point and got down to 2 pounds 1. 3 ounces.The specialists and medical attendants promptly thought where I was a youthful mother I should have not been taking care of him. This hung over my head the entire time Warren was being tried and in the neonatal basic consideration unit. Just when a CF authority visiting Mid Maine Medical Center from the Children’s Hospital of Boston, subsequent to looking at my child concluded that a perspiration test was required, and done did this charge clear up. Expelling all uncertainty from the specialists and medical caretakers of my mothering aptitudes and love toward my child. The perspiration test returned positive that Warren had CF. It was correct then my life changed.Not just did my life change because of the medicines, meds and care Warren required day by day yet in addition I was shown a most important exercise, never take any individual (who is a major part of your life), regardless of how little they are for conceded. Each grin, giggle and memory with and from both my youngsters have gotten considerably progressively valuable to me presently realizing that without the assistance of science Warren would not be a piece of the family. Warren contended so energetically to live (and keeps on battling) so I could be a mother, his mom. That in itself changes an individual. Frankly, there has been just one negative effect that science has had on my life.I have for the longest time been itching to have in any event two kids. I experienced hereditary testing not long after Warren was determined to have CF and the outcomes that came in were unnerving. Warren’s father was found to have passed a quality unto him that is regular in about 80% of CF cases, while I had given to him an a lot rarer quality that was just clear in 2% of CF cases. The blame was extraordinary and extremely agonizing to work through. What's more, if that was insufficient we were add itionally informed that with each kid I would have with Warren’s father the odds it would be brought into the world with CF were 1 in 4.I don't accept that I could live without science and I earnestly don't think any other individual could either. As individuals, we become ill, have migraines, toothaches and need medical procedures for a large number of reasons and without science we just couldn't and would not be here. From a little anti-inflamatory medicine somebody takes for torment, to the food we eat or the social insurance we require and get science is surrounding us consistently! Science has caused it feasible for individuals, for example, me to live more, to be thought about, and to eat an assortment of nourishments regardless of on the off chance that it is in a crate or can and to live.To be straightforward I have consistently been excessively occupied with my day by day life that I have never halted to consider how much science was a major part of my life and the m anners in which it introduces itself. In any case, through this course I have discovered a positive regard for science. I will take a gander at things distinctively now and most likely consistently will since taking this course. Science has been around me well before Warren was conceived yet it was the point at which he came into my life that I started to acknowledge science and all the potential outcomes it holds for the future.One of the greatest prospects that my family and I are seeking after is one day when CF will represent fix found. Through the length of this course I have shared my very own significant number suppositions and beneficial encounters. Thinking about them all I can't resist the opportunity to grin, I ought to never be threatened by science, since it is through science I have the existence I live at this point. References Drugs. com, (2011). Creon, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. drugs. com/creon. html Hill-Rom Services, (2011). The Vest Airway C learance System, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. thevest. com/items/
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Smoking Bans in US
Smoking is an across the board propensity that causes numerous ailments. The issue of whether to boycott smoking inside by the administrations of different nations is famous as they attempt to make a stride towards controling the destructive impacts of smoking. Individuals bolster smoking bans since they comprehend the destructive effects.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Smoking Bans in US explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some administrations have set up incomplete smoking bans, and others have passed complete smoking bans. This writing audit will concentrate on the whether the United States government should pass an across the nation indoor smoking boycott. The distinction among incomplete and all out smoking bans. In addition, smoking at work environments. Wye, Bowman, Wiggers, Baker, Knight, Carr, et al (2010) says in Australia smoking is the main source of malady trouble. The pace of smoking is high among patients determined to hav e mental disarranges, and a large number of them capitulate to smoking related diseases than their partners without the scatters. All out smoking boycott is better than incomplete smoking boycott since it shields non smokers from the impacts of optional smoke. The smokers find that they need to chop down the quantity of cigarettes they smoke in a day as long as they are in complete boycott smoking regions. The absolute smoking boycott may urge them to surrender the propensity. Though, fractional smoking boycott may paint the image that smoking is fine up to one does as such in an assigned territory. However, the destructive impacts keep on sabotaging their wellbeing. For example, in a psychological well-being office that practices complete smoking boycott medications for nicotine reliance are high dissimilar to in those that have fractional bans. For all out smoking boycott to be fruitful all the partners in a wellbeing establishment or in a nation should be remembered for the techn ique. The consideration of individuals in executing the absolute smoking boycott will prompt acknowledgment and consistence. On the off chance that the partners are excluded some will be antagonistic to the smoking boycott, and it probably won't be effective. Notwithstanding, there is constraint in discoveries of earlier explores on staffs’ see on the issue of all out smoking bans in emotional wellness institutions.Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The disposition towards smoking in the work environment is for the most part negative (Walsh Paul, Paras, Stacey, Tzelepis, et al, 2011). Studies show that numerous individuals like if representatives didn't smoke at their working environments. Numerous work environments have actualized an absolute smoking boycott. Numerous workers approve of the boycott since they don't care for their smoking associates presenting them to auxiliary smoke. Besides, representatives sit around idly during working hours as they enjoy a reprieve to go. what's more, smoke. The breaks influence their efficiency subsequently they don't give their best to their managers. Accordingly, there is a negative mentality towards laborers smoking in their work places. Along these lines, one won't see numerous individuals smoking at the working environments straightforwardly due to the negative disposition, yet will see them smoking outside for example in parks, transport or rail stops, and home. Then again, we have the halfway smoking bans. A few governments have passed fractional smoking bans to eliminate the expense of smoking both in social, and wellbeing terms. The presentation of the bans isn't old and numerous nations, for example, the United States have made a move to investigate the impacts of optional smoke to individuals. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention was given the obligation of examining the impacts of used smoke. The discoveries indicated that the quantity of individuals experiencing coronary failures diminished. In any case, there is still no solid proof to help that brief timeframe presentation to optional smoke prompts an expansion in experiencing cardiovascular maladies. Used smoke has been appeared to make issues people around the smoker and consequently fractional bans don't secure the individuals in a similar situation as the smoker. For example, a few inns and bars have smoking territories, yet individuals close to those zones are as yet presented to the unsafe impacts of the optional smoke. A few investigations have been done to look at if fractional smoking bans are successful than absolute smoking bans, and the upsides and downsides of each (Hofmann Nell, 2012). In any case, there is no decisive examination about which sort of boycott is better, however basically smoking bans improve the government assistance of the society.Advertising We will compose a custom resea rch paper test on Smoking Bans in US explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn taking everything into account, the United States government should pass an across the country inside smoking boycott on the grounds that the destructive impacts of smoking can't be thought little of. The quantity of individuals experiencing smoke related maladies is high along these lines an indoor smoking boycott can assist with diminishing the numbers. In addition, numerous individuals appear to be in understanding that smoking inside, and uncovering the others to auxiliary smoke isn't acceptable. Thus many would bolster the inside smoking boycott. The administration needs to put forth a purposeful attempt to authorize laws against indoor smoking to shield its residents from the negative impacts of smoking, and facilitate the weight on the wellbeing segment. All the more significantly, the administration ought to welcome all the partners ready with the goal that they can bolster the indoor smok ing boycott, and keep away from claims by the individuals who feel that the boycott might be encroaching on their individual flexibilities. Moreover, the populace ought to be sharpened about the hurtful impacts of firsthand and used smoke so they can grasp the smoking bans and in the process stop the individuals who are thinking about taking up the propensity, and urge the individuals who smoke to stop. Reference List Hofmann, A., Nell, M. (2012). Smoking bans and the used smoking issue: A financial examination. The European Journal Of Health Economics, 13(3), 227-236. doi:10.1007/s10198-011-0341-z Walsh, R., Paul, C., Paras, L., Stacey, F., Tzelepis, F. (2011). Work environment related smoking in New South Wales: degree of bans, open mentalities and associations with backslide. Wellbeing Promotion Journal of Australia, 22(2), 85-90. Wye, P., Bowman, J., Wiggers, J., Baker, A., Knight, J., Carr, V., †¦ Clancy, R. (2010). All out smoking bans in mental inpatient benefits: an o verview of saw advantages, hindrances and backing among staff. BMC Public Health,â 10372-382. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-372Advertising Searching for examine paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More This exploration paper on Smoking Bans in US was composed and put together by client Fant0mex to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Introducing Shakespeares Dark Lady Sonnets
Presenting Shakespeares Dark Lady Sonnets The Dark Lady Sonnets (poems 127 †152) follow the reasonable youth arrangement. In piece 127, the dim woman enters the account and in a split second turns into the object of the poet’s want. The speaker presents the lady by clarifying that her magnificence is offbeat: In the mature age dark was not checked fair,Or in the event that it were, it bore not beauty’s name;†¦ Therefore my mistress’ eyes are raven dark †¦ not brought into the world reasonable, no excellence need. From the poet’s point of view, he is dealt with severely by the dim woman. She is a flirt depicted in piece 114 as â€Å"my female evil†and â€Å"my awful angel†which eventually causes anguish for the artist. She is by all accounts connected to the youngster somehow or another and a few works propose that she is having an enthusiastic illicit relationship with him. As the poet’s dissatisfactions assemble, he starts to utilize the word â€Å"black†to depict her insidiousness instead of her magnificence. For instance, the artist sees the dim woman with another man later on in the succession and his desire bubbles to the surface. Notice how the word â€Å"black†is utilized with negative undertones in piece 131: One on another’s neck do observer bearThy dark is most attractive in my judgement’s place.In nothing craftsmanship thou dark spare in thy deeds,And thereupon this criticism, as I think, continues. Top 5 Most Popular Dark Lady Sonnets Piece 127: In The Old Age Black Was Not Counted Fair Sonnet 130: My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun Sonnet 131: Thou Art As Tyrannous, So As Thou Art Sonnet 142: Love Is My Sin, And Thy Dear Virtue Hate Sonnet 148: O Me! What Eyes Hath Love Put In My Head A full rundown of the Dark Lady (Sonnets 1 †126) is additionally accessible.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Biology Tutor Transcription, Translation, and the Central Dogma
Anyone studying biology, I mean anyone, will have to learn about the Central Dogma of Biology. The name itself, Central Dogma, clearly portrays how important this is.So what is it? The Central Dogma describes how information flows in a biological system, from DNA to RNA to Protein. If you stop for a second and think about it, this is quite amazing. Every living organism, no matter how complex, carries its entire instruction manual, all its information on how to function, in this tiny, yet complex, macromolecule called DNA. From DNA, the information moves on to another genetic molecule called RNA, and from there to proteins, which go on to carry out all the â€Å"work†on behalf of the genes (pieces of genetic material/DNA). So, the information flow DNA-RNA-Protein constitutes the Central Dogma. Okay, so now we know this. Are we done? Noâ€â€in fact, we haven’t really started yet. A lot of the biology you will have to learn in biology classes (most likely in introductory classes), describes the process of this information flow from one step to another. As biology students and test takers, you will have to know this and know it well. Lets summarize the most important points in each step: Transcription is the process of converting or transcribing the genetic information from DNA to the carrier molecule, RNA. An important molecule called RNA polymerase carries out this job. This molecule does not randomly convert DNA to RNA. If protein 1 is encoded by gene 1, this molecule will convert only gene 1 to RNA. How can this molecule tell where to start and where to stop? Genes have punctuation marks that are encoded in the genetic sequence before the gene starts and after the gene ends. RNA polymerase will recognize the start sequence, called a promoter, on the DNA and start converting DNA to RNA from that point. Then at the end of the gene, another sequence called terminator, tells the RNA polymerase to stop because the gene is done. Now that RNA is made we can move forward with making the protein. Translation is the process of converting or translating the RNA information into protein. This process is carried out by an important organelle in the cell, called the ribosome. Like the RNA polymerase, the ribosome can read punctuation marks in the RNA. It starts converting RNA to protein at points called start codon and it stops at points called stop codon. Once the protein is made, it needs to fold in the correct way before it can go on to carry out a function in the cell. This is just a condensed summary, though. There are many more steps to transcription and translation and biology classes go through this process in much more detail. How do you best study the steps and components of each process? As I have mentioned before, I suggest closing the book and sitting down with a blank piece of paper. Take one gene and sketch out all the steps and components it takes to go from it to the protein. Go about this process as if you were explaining it to someone that does not know much about biology. Think of the questions someone like that would ask and see if you know how to answer them. If you can clearly explain the process to someone else, then you really know it. By going over the material this way, you are not simply memorizing it, but you are studying it in a way that will allow the knowledge to stay with you for a very long time.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Terrible Acts Of Vlad - 1525 Words
His reign was short lived and later that year during another battle against the Turks, Vlad and a small band of men were ambushed and Vlad was killed. Little else is known about Vlad’s death except that the Turks decapitated him. His head was sent to the Sultan who displayed it on a stake to prove that the Impaler was finally dead. Vlad is remembered best for his vicious actions but there are some differences in the way people view him. There are several stories, which some sources take more serious than others, that list some of the horrendous acts that Vlad committed. In one, a boyar complained of the stench of the impaled so Vlad had him impaled on a stake higher than all the others so he would be above the stench (Wilde). It is also†¦show more content†¦His eyebrows were massive almost meeting over the nose, and with bushy hair that seemed to curl in its own profusion. The mouth, so far as I could see it under the heavy moustache, was fixed and rather cruel-lookin g, with peculiarly sharp white teeth. These protruded over the lips, whose remarkable ruddiness showed astonishing vitality in a man of his years. For the rest, his ears were pale and the tops extremely pointed. The chin was broad and strong, and the cheeks firm though thin. The general effect was one of extraordinary pallor.†(Stoker) Parts of this description may fit what is projected in ones mind when picturing the count, but other parts are quite different. For example the pointy teeth, red lips, and pale skin are expected. However, the Dracula in the movies is not often sporting a thick moustache. As the book continues, the count begins to frighten Jonathan. Dracula is always absent during the day, and once while Jonathan was shaving Dracula came in and startled him resulting in a cut on Jonathan’s cheek. At the sight of the blood Dracula attacked him only stopping when he saw the crucifix hanging on his neck. Strange events continue to occur throughout the book. Jonathan finds Dracula in a box during the day either asleep or dead. Three women try to drink Jonathan’s blood but Dracula gives them a baby instead. Then, the next day a woman comes to the castle wailing for her baby and gets eaten by wolves. Jonathan is Clare 8 finally able toShow MoreRelatedVampires : More Than A Modern Fantasy1538 Words  | 7 PagesAP World History Period 2 Vampires: More Than a Modern Fantasy When you think of vampires, do you think of Twilight, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Vampire Diaries? Or, do you think of ancient vampiric legends such as Lamastu, empusai, and even Vlad the Impaler? What if both modern vampire culture and the origins of vampirism were connected, not only by topic, but by relevance? 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My First Car Essay Example For Students
My First Car Essay It has been months after I got my license. I have been trying to get a new used car for myself for a long time. After months of research, I have narrowed my choices down to a Toyota Corolla, or a Honda Civic. They both are both very reliable vehicles. They also are great on gas. So, what I did was that I would go on Craigslist every day after school for about 30 minutes. The average price for these cars were about the same. But, I preferred the Civic because, it is more fun to drive. We have looked at some civics over the months. But, all of them had problems. Some were not smogged, some were salvaged, and others had too many miles on them. My dad had a work friend who was also a mechanic. That man helped us find the cars and gave us tips on what to look for and how to know if something was wrong. He was very helpful on this mission. It was a Tuesday afternoon. I had given up on buying this car. Every day, my dad picked me up after school. However, he wasnt there on that day. My uncle took me home and I asked him why my dad wasnt there. He told me that my parents had left to look for this Civic. I was very excited and scared at the same time. After I took my sister home, my parents came with no car. I asked what had happened. My dad told me that his friend had gotten there before them and picked up the car for us. I was very happy. So, my dad went to the bedroom to rest. After about an hour, my dad gets a call. It was his friend on the phone. I asked my dad what he said. He told me that the car had been hit when the friend was doing a test drive. I was sad and heartbroken. I didnt even see the car and it was gone. My dad called his friend and asked if he needed a ride. The friend said he had friends already on their way. My dad felt bad that he had to drive all the way there for nothing. My mom had the same reaction. She felt so bad for the owner that she told my dad to call him and see if he was okay. So, my called the guy. A woman answered. The woman said one thing the car is sold. My dad was confused, he asked her to give the phone to the owner of the car. My dad told him that he genuinely feels sorry that the car was in a car crash. The owner was confused. He said that he sold the car to a man. The buyer that he described matched the description of my dads friend. My dad was furious. He apologized to the person on the phone and got his car keys. My dad went straight to his friends house. There was nothing. So, he went to his friends brothers house. There were a couple of people there looking at a sliver car. My dad said thats the car. They parked the car and wet to the house. The people there were really nervous. My dads friend came out of the house. He had this guilty look on his face. My dad asked why he lied about the car. The guy responded by saying that he was going to clean it up and surprise us. My asked him for the keys and thanked him for all of his help. My parents came back home with two cars. One of them was a silver Civic. I hugged my parents and thanked them. I knew that they went through a lot for that car. .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .postImageUrl , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:hover , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:visited , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:active { border:0!important; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:active , .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14 .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u61c1421d43e11aac40c728769182bf14:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Modest Proposal Response PaperAfter weeks, my dads friend called us and asked us if we want to sell the car to him. We knew at that moment that he wanted the car all along and that he almost got away with conning us. At the end, we learned some life lessons. The first lesson was to not fully trust anyone you dont really know. If my dad hadnt trusted this man, he wouldnt have taken advantage of us. The second one is that throughout a purchase of something like a car, you have to be physically there to do it. The third lesson we learned was that no matter what someone does to you, don’t do the same thing to another person. Be the better person.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
There are many different plants and vegetation in Essays - Biology
There are many different plants and vegetation in tropical rainforests. These plants can vary from trees you get your food from to medicinal leaves and to even poisonous plants. Rainforests have a lot of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the term for when a particular habitat has a variety plants and animals. However, in a savannah tropic, they do not have as much biodiversity. In a tropical rainforest, like the Amazon Rainforest, they have trees like the cocoa tree, banana tree, and even mango trees. Cocoa trees can be used to do treat headaches, coughs, and even burns. Cocoa trees are also used to make chocolate. Other trees like the Clavillia or the Trumpet tree are user for in treating infections or bacterial diseases. The rainforest also has thousands of pretty flowers that insects like to eat from. Other plants like the Venus Fly Trap or the pitcher plant take advantage of this. They disguise themselves and then trap the bugs that land on them to feast. The rainforest can habit all of these different plants because of how warm and wet it gets. It's where they can have a consistent flow of energy and food. A tropical savannah is a grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees. They are found in between deserts and rainforests, like in East Africa. In the summer there is a lot of rain in a savannah. However, not enough rain falls on a savannah to support forests.
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