Sunday, December 29, 2019

Comparing the Hero in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the...

Beowulf and Sir Gawain – True Heroes Heroes come in many forms. The construction of the heroic has taken many forms, yet traits such as: courage, honor, and loyalty, reappear as themes throughout the hero personality. The characters of Beowulf and Sir Gawain each represent a version of a hero, yet each comes across quite differently in their story. A hero can be said to truly win if he remains constant to his noble values when put in any situation that crosses his way. When measured by that criterion, Sir Gawain stands out above Beowulf as a true hero, due to his command of both personal and spiritual power through the use of thought, as well as valiant deeds. The character of Beowulf stands as a hero to the ancient Danes†¦show more content†¦The story of Sir Gawain works on an opposite level from that of Beowulf. Just as Beowulf emphasizes outward strength, the character of Gawain stands as a paradigm of inner strength as a path to outward glory. The battles Gawain fights occur inside his mind. The chivalric code is one concerned with honor and duty within a society of corruption and sin. The role of chivalry was one concerned with example. A chivalric Knight, such as Gawain, must abide by the inner code of morality in order to remain true to his self, his lord, and his God. Sin, for Gawain, would begin in the mind, and lead to dishonorable deeds in the outside world. Throughout Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain travels on a path which is as much one of inner contemplation, as it is of actual travel. We see Gawain at the beginning of his journey being,...faultless in his five senses,/Nor found ever to fail in his five finge rs,(640-1). Gawain’s traits being likened to the five wounds of Christ sets up his eventual fall from the very start. However, like Christ, Gawain is reborn to a new life through the scratch the Green Knight gives him (2312). From that small wound, Gawain realizes that he cannot live up to the perfect image of chivalry he has sworn to uphold. To Gawain, this wound comes very close to being the death knell of the entire moral system Gawain has dedicated his life to. As both theseShow MoreRelatedSir Gawain And The Green Knight And Beowulf1471 Words   |  6 PagesThe Merriam-Webster Dictionary states a hero is â€Å"a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.† A hero is looked up to for the brave and noble things he or she has done. Although the characters and plots of â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† and â€Å"Beowulf† differ greatly from each other, the key themes of each of these works are quite similar. In both tales, the reader meets a hero who is endowed with mental, physical, and spiritual gifts that equip him for the task of confrontingRead MoreEssay on The Changing Concept of Hero988 Words   |  4 PagesWhen the hero was first struggling to be defined, there were many different observations and opinions readily available to be thrown into the melting pot of the definition. Because there was no television, the heroes in the beginnings of British Literature were spoken of and read about then passed down through generations. Reading these stories in this day and age is interesting to look at because we can trace the difference in the heroes throughout Beowlf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and TheRead More A Comparison of Perfection in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1077 Words   |  5 PagesPerfection in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The heroes of both Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are fighters. However, the traits they have in common are far less numerous than those that set them apart. As each of the two is dubbed perfect by his contemporaries, it should be possible to draw the picture of both the model warrior and the paragon knight by comparing Beowulf and Gawain. The first question to arise is that of leadership. In Beowulf, the hero is referred toRead MoreThe Heroes Of Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay2116 Words   |  9 Pagesin his monumental work The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Such narrative poems as Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represent what the Anglo-Saxons and the Middle English saw as both acceptable and non-acceptable demeanor. Both works possess the same values and beliefs while others, distinctly oppose, something that can be clearly observed through the careful archetypal study of the heroes of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In Beowulf, the hero first embarks on his journeyRead MoreSir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay1687 Words   |  7 PagesSir Gawain and the Green Knight contains ambiguity and irony that make it interesting to read and teach. Gawain’s conflict arose when he accepted the girdle that could protect him and when he lied to his host, severing fellowship with the lord for courtesy with the lady. By utilizing a social reconstructionist philosophy of teaching that emphasizes personal beliefs and ethics, a teacher will help the students establish their identities and learn to appreciate classic literature. Sir Gawain and the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The For Intellectual Property Law Essay - 1617 Words

Before college, when I heard about lawyers I only ever thought of one thing, the bar exam, and how awful it must be to prepare and take such a test. Now, moving steadily through the senior year of my undergraduate degree, my aspirations are quite different than what they were before college. With my changing goals, being a lawyer is now a profession that I wish to be a part of in the not too distant future. Specifically, I am aspiring to work in Intellectual Property Law. This form of law deals with protecting tangible and intangible creations of clients. These tangible and intangible creations range from inventions to symbols and often require being an expert in specific fields, such as industries, the arts, or science (Wilson, 2016). In order to assess a potential employee’s attributes, a future employer will administer pre-employment screenings where the person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities will be assessed in order to determine their effectiveness for Intellectual Property Law. In order to perform effectively being a lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property Law, will require that I first graduate with a four-year degree. The degree with which one takes is not specific, in fact, law schools admit individuals with degrees from almost every field of study (, 2016). The next step is going through law school which typically takes three years. While at law school, studying a curriculum specific to Intellectual Property Law would be beneficial,Show MoreRelatedBibliography On Intellectual Property Law1669 Words   |  7 PagesWord Count: 1930 Summative Assignment | Intellectual Property law | Term 1 In order for the Bell’s to maintain that they have the right to exploit the taken photo by submitting it into a competition, it must be proven that they hold ownership of the copyright and the work is protected as such. In order to discuss authorship and ownership, the subject matter of protection must be established. In the United Kingdom, there is a closed list of 8 copyright protectable forms of media found in the CopyrightRead MoreAustralian Laws - Intellectual Property1120 Words   |  5 PagesAUSTRALIAN LAWS – Intellectual Property What is intellectual property? Intellectual property is any creation, owned by one or multiple owners, that is used commercially. The designs, inventions or any work that is original can be protected by IP rights. Rights are established through application and prevent any use without permission. The only way to use this work, when not owned, would be to buy the rights. While rights are owned there is an opportunity to make advancements with limited oppositionRead MoreIntellectual Property Law Essay543 Words   |  3 Pages Intellectual property (IP) rights are legally recognized rights to developments of the owner. Under the intellectual property law, owners are given exclusive rights to an assortment of elusive possessions, such as literary, musical and artistic works; inventions and discoveries; and phrases words designs and symbols. Common types of intellectual property rights may include copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade dress. Patent A patent is a right given to the ownerRead MoreIntellectual Property Laws Of Australia Essay2086 Words   |  9 PagesIntellectual property is a broad term that is used to refer to the rights that the owner of an invention or an artwork enjoys. An example of intellectual property law is the Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), which gives individual rights such as patent, designs, and trademark. Intellectual property is contained in the Article 2(viii) of the convention, which led the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Literary works, inventions, discoveriesRead MoreIntellectual Property Law. Coursework1992 Words   |  8 Pages Intellectual Property Law Coursework Part 1: SWM53 Stavros Mouroutis 10829843 â€Æ' Table of Contents References 8 List of Legislations: 9 â€Æ' According to section 11 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, the author of a work is the first owner in any copyright unless the author is an employee who created the work in the course of employment. Consequently, when a programmer is employed, the source code he develops is owned by the employer, unless, certainly, contractual restrictions overrideRead MoreIntellectual Property Rights And Competition Law1304 Words   |  6 PagesAIM Critical analysis on when the use of intellectual property rights turns into abuse of intellectual property rights and further analysis on the trend of European competition authorities towards Intellectual property rights with specific reference to what is reiterated in the Magill cases. Introduction Intellectual property rights and competition law both seem to intervene at different junctures; however they work for attainment of one common goal that is consumer welfare. The reasons for thisRead MoreEssay on The Internet and Intellectual Property Laws1418 Words   |  6 PagesInternet and Intellectual Property Laws With the emergence and growth of the internet, intellectual property laws are much harder to enforce and many people are saying that they are outdated and obsolete. Intellectual property allows you to own your ideas, thoughts, and creativity as you would own a piece of tangible property. The human mind is a creative tool that comes up with ideas, designs, schemes, and inspirations of all kinds. Intellectual property views these ideas as being property. The ideasRead MoreCriminal Copyright And Intellectual Property Laws1736 Words   |  7 Pagescopyright infringement can come in many forms. Anything that has been created by one’s mind can technically be considered intellectual property. While the initial idea itself is not something that can be protected by copyright law, patents and actual plans from ideas can be. Many copyright cases are of a civil nature. This occurs when a person or organization feels their intellectual property has been used without their consent and want either compensation or for the accused party to cease use of the materialRead MoreApplications of Australian Intellectual Property Law2213 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract In this paper, we evaluate the various applications of Australian Intellectual Property (IP) law. Special attention is given in its application in the performance of copyrighted songs in private commercial facilities, registration of new designs as well as patent ownership while in contractual employment. Part 1 In an attempt to cheer the patients who were unable to return home for the Christmas break, the staff of a private hospital arranged a concert and party on Christmas Eve. TurkeyRead MoreCopyright Laws and the Protection of Intellectual Properties922 Words   |  4 PagesCopyright laws are intended to protect the intellectual properties of writers, musicians, artists, and others. In order for a work to be copyrightable, it must be both tangible, or fixed, and original. There have been many changes made to copyright law throughout time, however, each change has been made in order to further protect a persons intellectual property. In order for a work be eligible to be copyrighted it must fall into one of seven tangible or fixed categories. These categories include

Friday, December 13, 2019

Night Creature Crescent Moon Chapter 12 Free Essays

I hadn’t planned to fall asleep. Hadn’t realized I had until the pounding woke me. â€Å"Adam,† I mumbled, too tired to consider why he would bother to knock on his own front door. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 12 or any similar topic only for you Order Now He certainly hadn’t last night The man standing on the porch couldn’t have been more opposite of Adam Ruelle if I’d created him myself. Six-foot-five and about 250, he had blond hair shorn close to his head. His muscles were big, his hands even bigger, and when he spoke I was reminded of home and not of hot sex, damp sheets, and jungle nights. â€Å"Diana Malone?† I blinked at his electric yellow tie, complete with a navy blue New Orleans Saints insignia. The sun sparked off his shiny shoes and straight into my brain. I grunted and walked away, leaving the door wide open. He took the gesture for the invitation it was and followed. The place was still trashed and I didn’t bother to apologize. I hadn’t done it. I also hadn’t had time to do anything but get rid of the refuse. I’d figured on using the better part of today on a little cleaning, but now I needed to drive to town, find a one-hour photo shop, then hit the library and do a little research. Though the Ruelle Mansion might appear to have come through a time warp from the Civil War, in truth the utilities had been updated in the last decade. However, the years of neglect had not been kind. The utilities weren’t working. I’d told Frank not to bother getting them fixed. I didn’t want repairmen hanging around, asking questions, scaring away the wildlife. Besides, I’d camped out in worse places than this. I tugged out my battery-operated coffeemaker and got down to business. â€Å"I’m Detective Conner Sullivan – New Orleans PD.† I’d already figured him for a cop. No one showed up this early in a suit and tie unless they were badge happy. What I couldn’t figure out was what a guy like him was doing in a place like this. So I asked. â€Å"Why is the New Orleans PD in St. Tammany Parish?† I managed to get the coffee grounds into the proper container, then poured distilled water into the carafe and waited. I’d learned a long time ago that shaking the thing only made a mess. It didn’t make the coffee come out any faster. More’s the pity. â€Å"I’m not squatting,† I said when he didn’t answer right away. â€Å"I rented this place fair and square. Or my employer did.† Sullivan stared at me for several seconds. His eyes were brown, which didn’t seem right, but then, not every person of Irish descent possesses the blue or green gene. â€Å"I’m not here to roust you,† he murmured. â€Å"We don’t usually send detectives for that.† â€Å"Good point.† I picked up the coffeepot and lifted a brow in his direction. â€Å"No thanks. I’ve already had so much I might jump out of my skin.† My lips twitched at the thought of this laconic man jumping anywhere over anything. I wondered if he were trying to make a joke, except he just kept staring at me with his curious cop eyes and flat, unsmiling mouth. Guess he was serious. I poured myself a cup, then sat on my sleeping bag, leaving the only chair, a foldout canvas model, for him. He ignored it, choosing to stroll around the room peering into corners. â€Å"I know you rented the place,† he said, â€Å"but why?† â€Å"I’m investigating reports of a wolf in the swamp.† â€Å"In Louisiana?† He cast me a quick glance. â€Å"I don’t think so.† â€Å"I’ll find that out and be on my way.† â€Å"What do you know about Adam Ruelle?† I bid my surprise behind a sip of coffee. Why was everyone so interested in him? â€Å"According to the locals, he’s dead.† Sullivan turned quickly for such a big man. â€Å"According to you, he isn’t.† Hmm. He’d been busy this morning, checking my rental status, reading Cantrel and Hamilton’s report. I slurped more coffee, took my time swallowing, then lowered the cup. â€Å"A man who says he’s Ruelle has been around.† â€Å"Where is he now?† Good question. I had no idea where Adam lived. He just turned up wherever I was. Which was downright odd now that I thought about it. â€Å"Why do you care?† Sullivan kept his dark gaze on my face. â€Å"A man was killed.† â€Å"Charlie. I know.† â€Å"Not him. Another man. Last night.† The cup halfway to my lips again, I had to tighten my fingers quickly before I dropped it into my lap. â€Å"Where?† â€Å"Not far from the incident with Charlie Wagner.† I’d sworn I’d heard a growl, seen an animal, but what if I’d killed a person? My hands started shaking, and coffee nearly cascaded over the edge of my cup. I set it on the floor as I took several deep breams and forced myself to mink. I’d walked around, hadn’t found anything. Not a person, not an animal, no blood. But it had been dark, and I wasn’t Outdoor Girl no matter how much I liked to pretend that I was. â€Å"Shot?† I blurted. He gave me a strange look. An animal had killed the others. To know the man was shot – well, basically I’d just confessed. Sighing, I ran through the names of everyone I knew. Not a lawyer among them. Hell. â€Å"Not shot,† Sullivan murmured. Since I’d already fitted myself for a pair of handcuffs, my mind groped for meaning and quickly found one. â€Å"Another animal attack?† I started to get to my feet, intent on seeing the body, checking the tracks, but his next words had me sitting right back down. â€Å"Strangulation.† Now my mind was really groping. â€Å"Strangled? How?† â€Å"Bare hands are the usual method.† I blinked at the repetition of my own thoughts of the night before. Adam had given me his gun. He’d had only his hands for protection. Had he used them? â€Å"Fingerprints?† I asked. † ‘Bare hands’ was just a figure of speech. A rope was used. Probably gloves. Not much evidence.† He took a deep breath. â€Å"There’ve been more disappearances than usual in and around New Orleans.† I narrowed my eyes. â€Å"And you’re starting to think serial killer.† His face went blank. â€Å"I never said that.† He hadn’t said much, including what he was doing out of his parish. But I could figure it out. Tourists and locals disappearing, some of them turning up in the swamp. When St. Tammany police found a body, it was natural they’d call the man in charge of the original case, see if their corpse matched any of his missing. â€Å"Why do you want to talk to Adam?† Sullivan lifted his brows at my use of a first name, but he didn’t comment. â€Å"Dead people keep turning up on his property.† â€Å"The others were killed by animals.† â€Å"True. But this one is murder, and despite what you see on television, strangling someone isn’t easy. You have to be strong and you have to be quick. There’s a bit of an art to it One someone like Ruelle would know.† â€Å"I heard he was in the Special Forces.† â€Å"He was in something,† Sullivan muttered. â€Å"What’s that supposed to mean?† â€Å"There’s a block on his file that requires higher security clearance than I have.† â€Å"Bummer,† I muttered. Sullivan scowled. â€Å"Do you know where he is or don’t you?† â€Å"Don’t,† I answered with complete truthfulness. The detective stared at me for several seconds. His stoic glare probably worked on most people, but not on me. He hadn’t spent eighteen years with my mother. â€Å"Fine.† He reached into his jacket, pulled out a card. â€Å"If you see him, call me. Better yet, tell him to call. If he doesn’t have anything to hide, we should be able to clear this right up.† â€Å"Uh-huh.† Sullivan cut a glance in my direction, but I just smiled as if I hadn’t been being sarcastic. â€Å"Who was the victim?† I asked as I walked Sullivan to the door. â€Å"We don’t know.† â€Å"Come on, Detective, the name’s going to get out eventually.† â€Å"I hope so; then I’d know it.† He shook his head. â€Å"This guy had no ID.† â€Å"Stolen?’ â€Å"Maybe. But his money clip was still in his pocket. His fingerprints didn’t pop. There isn’t a missing persons report that fits his description.† â€Å"If he’s a tourist, it might take a while for anyone to notice he’s gone.† Sullivan seemed about to say something more, then tightened his lips and kept further comments to himself. Considering this was shaping up to be a murder investigation, I didn’t blame him. â€Å"If you think of anything that might be useful,† he stepped onto the porch, â€Å"let me know.† With a nod, I shut the door. I probably should have told Sullivan I’d been in the swamp last night, but I hadn’t killed the guy and I hadn’t seen anything. Except a wolf or something like one. A lie was a lie, even if it was by omission. However, I didn’t want to be dragged downtown for questioning when I had an appointment with a one-hour photo shop. â€Å"If mere’s anything on that film that’ll help, I’ll take the picture directly to the police station.† I put my hand over my heart. â€Å"Swear.† Since there was no one to hear my vow, it wasn’t really binding, but I felt better anyway. I took a sponge bath, brushed my teeth in a bowl. I didn’t mind camping, but the lack of a shower was a definite drawback. I’d have to rent a cheap hotel room once, maybe twice, a week, or I wouldn’t be able to stand myself. Grabbing the gun and my camera, two things I did not want to lose – though from the age of the garbage I’d removed from the inside of the house, no one had stayed there for months – I went out the door. What could have spooked the homeless away from such a good flop spot? Had word gotten out that people were dying? I shivered despite the early-morning heat. Not for the first time I questioned the wisdom of remaining in the swamp alone. After tucking the pistol into the trunk with my computer, I headed for town. I probably should have unloaded the weapon – I wasn’t exactly clear on the transportation-of-firearms rules around here – but the idea of having the bullets in one place, the gun in another, a rabid wolf or even a serial killer chasing me around and around and around†¦ I decided I’d take my chances with the police. I easily found a one-hour photo shop, dropped off the film, and headed to the library for a little research. This early in the morning the place was cool and deserted. Just the way I liked it A quick trip through the search engine netted me nothing. Unless the Ruelles had written a book or had one written about them, that usually didn’t work, but it was always a good place to start My next stop was the desk of the reference librarian. When in doubt, ask questions. â€Å"I’m looking for information on a local family.† Short, thin, ancient, with granny glasses, clunky shoes, and – wait for it – a shawl, the woman’s nameplate read Mrs. Beasly. â€Å"Oh! Are you researching your family tree?† Since she seemed so excited about the prospect, I said, â€Å"Sure.† â€Å"What’s the name?† â€Å"Ruelle.† Her bright, helpful smile faded. â€Å"Oh, no, dear, you must be mistaken.† â€Å"Why’s that?† â€Å"There hasn’t been a female born to the Ruelles for at least a century.† I didn’t miss a beat. â€Å"My connection is much older than that† If I was going to lie, I might as well lie big. â€Å"I see.† Mrs. Beasly contemplated me over the top of her wire rims. I wondered if she’d been an English teacher with a penchant for rulers before she’d migrated to the library. I hid my knuckles behind my back and tried to appear angelic, always difficult with my devilishly red hair. â€Å"Isn’t that a bit strange?† I asked. â€Å"No females.† â€Å"That isn’t the only thing.† â€Å"Oh, really?† She glanced around as if someone might be listening, but we were still the only people in the library. To help her out, I leaned over the desk and craned my ear in a conspiratorial manner. â€Å"The poor family,† she whispered. â€Å"It’s as if they’re cursed.† Cursed? my mind mocked. As in†¦ cursed to run as a wolf beneath the crescent moon? Couldn’t be. Because I didn’t believe in werewolves or curses. However, I didn’t believe in coincidence, either. How many curses were there around here? How to cite Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 12, Essay examples